Reflections on the Magic of Exploration in Feel Your Best Self
I recently had the chance to check out Feel Your Best Self firsthand. Throughout the fall, I had been working with the team to create new FYBS materials, but hadn’t yet had the chance to see it in action. In December, I got that opportunity as I spent the morning with Mr. Stevens’ third-grade class helping the students make their own puppet friends, practice FYBS, and explore their favorite strategies. When we arrived, the students couldn’t wait to show us everything they already knew about FYBS from the lessons Mr. Stevens had already provided!
Picking Our Favorite Strategies
During our visit, we decided to focus on the Calm Your Self Strategies—Belly Breathing, Shake Out the Yuck, Ground It Down, and Chillax In My Head. We were really curious as to how students explore the different options, and which ones they might pick out as their favorites. When we practiced Chillax in My Head, for example, I loved hearing about everyone’s happy places; some common ones were the beach, the amusement park, and even the library. The students told me this is one of their favorite strategies when they’re having a big feeling, but need to keep their bodies quiet. After we practiced all the strategies together, we wanted to know more about their favorites. We got creative and set up four signs around the room with the strategy names. Students moved around to stand next to their top pick. I had no idea what would happen, so I was surprised when most students rushed over to Shake Out The Yuck! They told us this was their top choice because it’s fun to get a little silly and shake their bodies to get the energy out. A few students picked Chillax In My Head and Belly Breathing as their favorites because it helps them feel relaxed and peaceful. Ground It Down was left empty as no one picked it as their top choice.
Practicing Strategies with Our New Puppet Friends
Next came the fun part—making our own puppet friends! We gave each student their own puppet kit, and the creative juices started flowing. The students followed along as we showed them how to attach the eyes, mouth, and accessories to bring their puppets to life. My favorite part was seeing how they gave their puppets unique personalities, voices, and names!
The grand finale was getting to know everyone’s new puppet pal and practicing the strategies. It was so sweet as we sat in a circle to introduce our puppets, sharing their name and favorite food. I wasn’t surprised that pizza and ice cream were big hits among our puppet friends! Then we practiced the strategies with our new pals for a while. After that hard work, we put our tired puppets away so they could get some rest.
Takeaways from the Day
I have to say, this workshop was a blast! It was interesting to see which strategies resonated most with Mr. Stevens’ energy-filled third-grade class and how the puppets enhanced their experience:
Shake Out the Yuck was definitely their go-to for handling excess energy or big feelings.
Some students preferred Chillax in My Head and Belly Breathing because they made them feel relaxed and peaceful.
Making puppets and practicing the strategies brought the students’ FYBS experience to a new level.
Their puppet friends helped keep them focused and in the zone as they practiced the strategies.
After working behind the scenes of FYBS, I wasn’t sure what to expect when seeing it in action. One of my favorite parts was seeing Mr. Stevens’ class so excited to show us everything they knew about FYBS when we arrived. It was fun to see which strategies the students picked as their favorite. Shake Out the Yuck was the top pick, but which might they select as their second choice? That can be a question for next time! Watching the kids express themselves through their puppet creations was so special. Then, seeing the students get in the zone as they practiced the strategies with their new puppet friends was the highlight of my day. I learned so much from Mr. Stevens’ third-graders, and I can’t wait to go back!
Lucie Lopez, School Psychology PhD Student
Department of Educational Psychology, University of Connecticut Neag School of Education