How Does It Work?
Check out the evidence behind FYBS. Learn more about how FYBS works, research our team has conducted, and evidence used in developing FYBS. This information builds understanding about the evidence behind FYBS and can assist with decision-making about how FYBS can fit in your setting.

Feel Your Best Self: Diving into How it Works
This report examines how and why Feel Your Best Self is supposed to work, along with what benefits are expected and for whom.
Evidence Supporting Connect with Others Strategies
This report shares evidence used to inform the Connect with Others strategies and offers a summary of studies for both children and adult populations.
Evidence Supporting the Calm Your Self Strategies
This report shares evidence used to inform the Calm Your Self strategies and offers a summary of studies for both children and adult populations.
Feel Your Best Self: Insights from elementary teachers’ use in teaching emotion-focused coping strategies
In this article, read about findings rom a case study of early adopters, who shared insights into how they have used, adapted, and generalized the program with their students.
Integrating Puppets into Classroom Instruction
In this report by our team, learn about the evidence behind incorporating puppetry in the classroom.
Feel Your Best Self Goes to Camp
In this brief report by our team, learn about facilitator and caregiver perspectives about using FYBS in a camp setting.
Teaching Simple Strategies to Foster Emotional Well-Being
A mini-review by Emily A. Iovino, Jessica B. Koslouski, and Sandra M. Chafouleas that supports the science behind the FYBS strategies.
CSCH Simple Strategies Report
In this report, learn about a foundational component of FYBS: using simple strategies, grounded in evidence, to support well-being.