For Educators
We are excited that you've chosen to explore our toolkit materials! We recommend getting started by reviewing our webinars and checking out our Facilitator Guidance.
In the Guide you can find lots of planning resources to help determine which strategy to use, plan how to introduce each strategy, and reflect on strategy implementation.
Below you can find all that you need for each FYBS mini-lesson. Each video is linked below, along with icons that allow you to download corresponding materials:
Facilitator Steps - provides a step-by-step guide for each mini-lesson, which introduces the video, checks for understanding, practices the strategy, and more. Download the full set of Facilitator Steps: English.pdf
Strategy Card - provides the steps involved in the strategy using words and images. Download the full set of 12 Strategy Cards: English.pdf | Spanish.pdf
Reflection Sheet - allows children to reflect on their feelings after trying a strategy and when/how they might use a strategy. Download the full set of 12 Reflection Sheets: English.pdf | Spanish.pdf
Tip Sheet - a one-page guide to facilitate discussion after watching a video and practicing the strategy. Download the full set of 12 Tip Sheets: English.pdf | Spanish.pdf
For updates and questions, connect with our FYBS team!
Introducing Feel Your Best Self
Start here to get to know the FYBS friends and how they talk about their different feelings!
Strategies teach self-soothing skills that can help children calm down when they are not feeling their best self.
Calm Your Self
Belly Breathing
Shake Out The Yuck
Ground It Down
Chillax In My Head
Strategies promote self-awareness by helping children shift their thoughts to those that help them feel their best self.
Catch Your Feelings
Float Your Boat
Turn The Dial
Push The Clouds
Smell The Roses
Strategies help children feel their best self through building supportive relationships and acts of kindness toward others.
Connect With Others
Feel It Together
Bring A High Five!
Be A Kind Helper
Three Friendly Wishes
Explore our resources to support you in adding puppet-making to FYBS!